Source code for floris.logging_manager

import logging
from datetime import datetime

import coloredlogs

# Global variables for logging

[docs] def configure_console_log(enabled=True, level="INFO"): """ Sets whether the log statements are displayed in the console logging, and, if enabled, the log level to use. If not explicitly configured, console logging is ON at the INFO level. Args: enabled (bool, optional): Whether to enable console logging. Defaults to True. level (str, optional): If `enabled` is True, sets the level that the logging module displays. This level is the minimum and all messages at a higher level are included. Valid values are - CRITICAL - ERROR - WARNING - INFO - DEBUG Defaults to "INFO". """ global LOG_TO_CONSOLE global CONSOLE_LEVEL LOG_TO_CONSOLE = enabled CONSOLE_LEVEL = level _setup_logger()
[docs] def configure_file_log(enabled=True, level="INFO"): """ Sets whether the log statements are exported to a log file, and, if enabled, the log level to use. If not explicitly configured, file logging is OFF. Args: enabled (bool, optional): Whether to enable file logging. This argument defaults to True. level (str, optional): If `enabled` is True, sets the level that the logging module displays. This level is the minimum and all messages at a higher level are included. Valid values are - CRITICAL - ERROR - WARNING - INFO - DEBUG Defaults to "INFO". """ global LOG_TO_FILE global FILE_LEVEL LOG_TO_FILE = enabled FILE_LEVEL = level _setup_logger()
def _setup_logger(): """ Configures the root logger based on the default or user-specified settings. As needed, a StreamHandler is created for console logging or FileHandler is created for file logging. Either or both are attached to the root logger for use throughout FLORIS. Returns: logging.Logger: The root logger from the `logging` module. """ # Create a logger object for floris logger = logging.getLogger(name="floris") logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) # level_styles = {'warning': {'color': 'red', 'bold': False}} fmt_console = "%(name)s %(levelname)s %(message)s" fmt_file = "%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s" file_name = "floris_{:%Y-%m-%d-%H_%M_%S}.log".format( # Remove all existing handlers before adding new ones for h in logger.handlers.copy(): logger.removeHandler(h) # Configure and add the console handler if LOG_TO_CONSOLE: console_handler = logging.StreamHandler() console_handler.setLevel(CONSOLE_LEVEL) console_format = coloredlogs.ColoredFormatter( # level_styles=level_styles, fmt=fmt_console ) console_handler.setFormatter(console_format) console_handler.addFilter(TracebackInfoFilter(clear=True)) logger.addHandler(console_handler) # Configure and add the file handler if LOG_TO_FILE: file_handler = logging.FileHandler(file_name) file_handler.setLevel(FILE_LEVEL) file_format = logging.Formatter(fmt_file) file_handler.setFormatter(file_format) file_handler.addFilter(TracebackInfoFilter(clear=False)) logger.addHandler(file_handler) return logger
[docs] class TracebackInfoFilter(logging.Filter): """Clear or restore the exception on log records""" def __init__(self, clear=True): self.clear = clear
[docs] def filter(self, record): if self.clear: record._stack_info_hidden, record.stack_info = record.stack_info, None elif hasattr(record, "_stack_info_hidden"): record.stack_info = record._stack_info_hidden del record._stack_info_hidden return True
[docs] class LoggingManager: """ This class provide an easy access to the global logger. The virtual property here allows a simple and dynamic method for obtaining the correct logger for the calling class. """ @property def logger(self): return logging.getLogger( "{}.{}".format(type(self).__module__, type(self).__name__) )